Farm FAQs
What do you charge to pick blueberries?
We charge blueberries by the pound . In 2017, our blueberry prices are $4.00 per pound. Volume pricing available.
What container should I use for berry picking?
We provide buckets for adults and children. The buckets are lined with plastic bags which you can use to take your berries home.
What else should I bring with me to pick berries?
Wear comfortable clothing that can keep you cool. Hats, suntan lotion, shoes with closed toes and a bottle of water will help keep you safe and cool while picking in the fields.
Do you sell pre-picked berries?
We are a harvest-your-own farm, but occasionally have pre-picked berries available or can coordinate pre-picked berries if notified in advance.
When will the blueberries be ready?
Blueberries are normally ripe for picking around Memorial Day weekend through mid-July. Blackberries ripen mid-June and continue through mid-July.
What payment do you take?
All forms of payment accepted - cash (prefered), check and credit cards.
Can I bring my dog/pets to the berry fields?
We practice Good Agricultural Practices and thus even the best trained pets are not allowed in the berry fields due to sanitary reasons.
Is there a place to picnic/tailgate on the farm?
We have several picnic tables and shade trees that are great for picnics. Come and enjoy your time at the farm!
Are your berries organic or non-GMO?
Our berries are non-GMO, but we are not a certified organic farm.